Case Study

Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities

Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities


A broad-based coalition of advocacy and provider organizations, the Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities works to change public policy and improve the lives of people with disabilities. When it sought a new logo and branding, the coalition turned to Affina for help based on another non-profit group’s recommendation.


Working closely with the board of directors to gain consensus, we began with a brand strategy session to understand key audiences, brand personality, and strengths and weaknesses of the organization. We also sought clarity on the name given that an acronym, MNCCD, is often used by internal and external audiences. With the decision made to keep the full name, we explored friendly, approachable logos that would balance the six words well.


What began as a logo project has evolved over the years to a more complete identity system including print deliverables, annual report design, materials to support and promote an annual conference, and an icon system that represents a wide range of disabilities.


  • Logo
  • Icon system
  • Identity System
  • Print deliverables
  • Website art direction
  • Annual reports
  • Annual conference materials

Affina Design Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities
Affina Design Minnesota Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities